Codelists overview
To get an overview of all codelists available, select Codelists in the left menu bar.
The codelists overview shows all codelists used by the specifications. For each codelist certain information is provided:
- The organization maintaining the codelist, combined with the original name of the codelist.
- The last date on which the codelist was updated.
- Checkbox indicating whether it is an external (code)list being reused, or an internal codelist defined by your standard development organization (SDO).
- Checkbox indicating whether the codelist contains only a subset of codes of the original codelist, or the entire original set of codes. This only applies to external codelists.
Export a codelist
Each codelist can be exported. This can be done by clicking the export button behind a codelist, and by selecting one of the two export options from the dropdown: Export as spreadsheet (XLSX) or Export as SKOS.
View a codelist
From the codelists overview, select one codelist by clicking on the title.
When viewing a codelist, the following information is presented:
- The name of the codelist as header of the page.
- On top of that, if applicable, a grey block indicating when a codelist is External and/or a Subset.
- The organization maintaining the codelist.
- A hyperlink referring to the (if applicable) original codelist.
- An optional note providing additional information on the usage of the codelist.
- A list of all values on the codelist. Each codelist entry contains the code name, a description, the date added and/or the date removed. Codelist entries that have a removal date, are striked through and grey in the codelist values overview. The search bar can be used to quickly search for a codelist value.
- On the right, the Used by overview shows at what specifications and, in particular, data elements the codelist is being used. The data element can be clicked to directly go to and view the specification.
- In the top right corner, the codelist can be exported in either Export as spreadsheet (XLSX) or Export as SKOS.