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User Experience: SETU Planning and Schedulling standard

· 3 min read
Jelte Bootsma (TNO)
Expert semantic interoperability

This blog post will address how Semantic Treehouse supported the needs of a data sharing community in creating a new standard. Among the dedicated users of Semantic Treehouse is the SETU foundation, the organization for data standardization of the flexible staffing industry in the Netherlands. Recently, SETU developed the Planning and Scheduling standard, enabling seamless data exchange of planning information between staffing suppliers back-office software, planning tools, and interconnecting planning tools.

For this Planning and Schedulling standard, there was a desire to repurpose HR Open specification whenever feasible. This involved creating multiple message models by carefully selecting elements from the HR Open Model in JSON Schema and incorporating SETU specific additions and restrictions. Furthermore, SETU's goal was also to create schemas in both JSON and XML formats, along with Open API specifications for seamless implementation and validation. The following text highlights how Semantic Treehouse supported the SETU foundation in reaching their goals.

Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek

· 12 min read

"With Semantic Treehouse we are able to quickly and easily develop new message specifications and APIs" says Luuk d’Hooghe. Luuk is standardization manager at Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek. Since 2019, Ketenstandaard has been using the Semantic Treehouse platform for publishing and managing, among other things, the DICO standard. We spoke to Luuk to hear how they use the platform and what added value it offers their community.

Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek

SETU | Standards for flexible staffing

· 9 min read

"Semantic Treehouse supports us in making the step towards a syntax independent data model that can be expressed in both XML and JSON"

Kevin Boumans is a software architect at employment agency Driessen. When exchanging data between the various parties, they use the SETU standards, just like many other agencies. Kevin is also a board member of the SETU. We had a talk with Kevin to hear from both perspectives what his experiences are with the Semantic Treehouse platform.


The SETU foundation was established in 2007 to provide the temporary employment sector with standards for electronic messaging between temporary workers and their hirers. SETU is one of the communities that created the need for Semantic Treehouse to publish online and support the standardization process of the SETU standards. For more information: