v3.6.0 (23 February 2025)
New functionalities
- Issue 1274 Pick up STH-specific annotation properties from SHACL property shapes by wizard
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 576 Sort 'Organizations' page
- Issue 1205 Group meetings: show issues shorter. Example: #12 (closed)
- Issue 1271 Add "new organization" button
- Add log to indicate that notification service is not enabled
- Refactor + fix + minor improvements to notification service
- Enable notification service for MR review environments
- Increase verbosity of worker (symfony console) when STH is set in debugMode
v3.5.0 (6 February 2025)
New functionalities
- Issue 699 Copy an existing message model to a new version
- Issue 1246 Add conceptual model for content-based access control
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 1178 Show EasyRdf (parse) error message to user
- Issue 1196 Support lang tag of ^^rdf:HTML literal types
- Issue 1262 Bug in rdf example generator when no target class nor datatype
- Update easyrdf to version 1.16. Fixes valid syntax for:
- Refactor image upload functionality + fix for missing mime type for files from storage
- Fix generated frontend
- Fix in OwlAdapter to get definition for target class
- Improve performance of getting possible target elements for element mapping. Related to #1122
- Issue 1194 SCSN env - Add menu item to link to documentation in gitbook
- Also update worker sidecar image in CICD scripts for rollout
- Automatic cleanup finished job of creating admin user after new Helm install
- Customize BDI-DIL environment
- Add explicit isCleanInstall tag for the helm chart
- Remove EVH from the Kustomize CI, added to the Helm pipeline
- Update all PHP dependencies + bump version constraints in composer.json
- CICD changes to be able to run on Gitlab.com managed runners; use STH group runner for dind
- CICD cleanup staging and production deployment jobs after migration to helm for all environments
- Helm chart allow to use mailhost without credentials and without the need for existing secret. Allow to skip TLS.
v3.4.0 (3 December 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 628 Add conceptual model for Notification service
- Issue 688 Allow adding images to issues and other markdown fields
- Issue 1115 Option to specify if additional sub elements are allowed in resulting schema
- Issue 1134 Show 'owl:deprecated' clearly in ontology treeviews
- Issue 1168 Nest subclasses in ontology treeviews
- Issue 1170 Notifications: add async sending via queues
- Issue 1196 Retrieve definition from dcterms subject property in Wizard
- Issue 1216 Graph pattern UX first version
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 1135 Add search to 'projects' dropdown in step 1 of wizard
- Issue 1167 Message treeview: optimize loading possible properties.
- Issue 1171 Validator: show clear error if unauthorized
- Issue 1177 Validator page: fix network error from code editor
- Issue 1184 Issue: show attachments
- Issue 1211 Issues: show labels
- Issue 1212 Issue: add "assigned to"
- Issue 1214 Issues: allow filtering by label and assigned to
- Issue 1218 Use the Russion doll style as default when requesting generated XML schema
- Issue 1230 Issues: improve label colors when none or a light one is set
- Issue 1231 Taxonomy treeview: improve search
- Issue 1235 Taxonomy treeview: fix concepts shown on all panes
- Issue 1236 Bugfix: Google cloud storage uniform bucket-level access is supported now
- Issue 1241 Canvas: don't show unpublished message versions in search when you don't have the rights
- Issue 812 Add Content Security Policy header
- Issue 1155 Add merge request (review) deployments to CI/CD pipeline
- Issue 1190 Add Graph Pattern API
- Issue 1195 Add security headers to default values
- Issue 1213 Add jobs that trigger staging/production deployments
- Issue 1254 Changed the way the Flyway container image tag is selected
- In CI/CD jobs, pass $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA as sth image tag variable to triggered helm deployment job
- Fixed a bug where file uploads don't work in MR Review environments
- Publish / release Helm chart when there are changes on push to main branch
- Bump Helm chart version to v1.0.0
v3.3.0 (10 October 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 1180 Set preferred language for a spec versions. Use this in the wizard for labels and definitions
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 1024 Improve "edit organization" screen
- Issue 1093 Show base datatype in element details panel
- Issue 1172 OAS generator target OpenAPI version 3.1.0 as it uses features introduced in this version
- Issue 1174 Dropdown of mapping not entirely shown
- Issue 1175 Fix login button in navbar almost invisible
- Issue 1179 Bugfix issue with use of undefined property due to typo in OWL term. Add input validator for this
- Issue 1183 Fix WebVOWL redirect in Helm environments
- The validator service now returns an insightful error message when the proxied request is too large.
- Bugfix typo in migration script for #1180
- Complete refactor of AppComponent; spliting it up in several components
- Helm deployment related:
- Issue 1156 Helm make side services disableable, change layout of values
- Issue 1158 Helm Chart disable Data Volume in case of GCS enabled
- Issue 1159 Helm make GCS secretname customizable
- Add customizations for DPP environment
v3.2.1 (11 September 2024)
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 1157 Bugfix 'Data entry is too long' in select statements of customized queries
- Helm deployment related:
- Issue 1148 Add JSON Validator configuration to Helm chart
v3.2.0 (1 September 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 819 Add option to concert RML to YARRRML in wizard export
- Issue 998 Message treeview: add filter option for labels
- Issue 1078 Support wizard input of JSON schema with array at root
- Issue 1099 Add tree view for ontology versions
- Issue 1101 Allow to create message based on json example
- Issue 1109 Taxonomy treeview: add version dropdown
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 501 Message treeview: Add confirmation when clicking "add all"
- Issue 758 Fix namespace prefix declarations in XSD generator
- Issue 848 Allow user to create new spec in project
- Issue 880 Translate spec type on spec card
- Issue 880 Translate "recently viewed" type
- Issue 967 Show issue supported by organization
- Issue 997 Add a wrapper element for root elements with mult max > 1 in XSD generator
- Issue 1007 Fix: anonymous users (not logged in) can no longer submit issues and comments in STPE and SETU env
- Issue 1041 Replace XML related labels by more generic labels now we have JSON support included
- Issue 1074 Canvas: attach details to pane they belong to
- Issue 1082 Allow expand / collapse of 'projects' (lists of specifications)
- Issue 1094 Change order of element details panel + restructure Edit element interface
- Issue 1104 Bugfix default on/off switch for additional business rules in validator configuration
- Issue 1112 Show schema in validator UI for generated schemas
- Issue 1113 Bugfix broken wizard based on json schema
- Issue 1116 Keep selected element when switching between view and edit mode on Data Model Canvas
- Issue 1117 Sort meetings within groups using meeting number and/or date
- Issue 1118 Bugfix element sequence number from wizard data
- Issue 1119 Element tree: fix switching versions
- Issue 1127 Clicking
Used in
link to taxonomy version opens a pane with that taxonomy version
- Issue 1128 Fix security issue with injection in issue forms
- Issue 1138 Taxonomy: Publication date and status not shown correctly
- Bugfix, reinitialize namespace prefix registrations after unserializing AGraph
- Issue 1120 Add HedgeIoT logo to startpagina of EVH customization
- Issue 1111 Upgrade to Angular 18
- Update EasyRdf library to an active fork: sweetrdf/easyrdf
- Complete refactor of validator frontend components
- Major restructuring of frontend folder and refactoring services and dependency injection
v3.1.0 (20 july 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 523 Add ontologies tree viewer
- Issue 533 Wizard step 1: suggest root class when using ontology
- Issue 834 Take into account domainless properties (that is implicit owl:Thing as domain) to select from in wizard
- Issue 931 Improvements to wizard taking CSV input
- Issue 960 Treeview: drag and drop elements to create mappings. Only in editor mode
- Issue 970 Wizard create: add blank message option
- Issue 1028 Wizard step 1: add json schema option
- Issue 1033 Show creator / creation time for specs
- Issue 1035 Include missing wizard functionality to handle
- Issue 1044 Integrate JSON validator service in STH
- Issue 1080 Treeview edit mode: Allow adding sub-element freely
- Issue 1108 Data Model Canvas features:
- Allow opening unrelated specifications
- Allow to move panels freely
- Edit element: move link to ontology (property and class URI) to first tab
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 676 Refactor backend extra endpoint specifications
- Issue 680 Add submitter name (using display name) to issue and related discussion posts
- Issue 681 Rename change requests (old term) to issues (new term) in model, database, backend and API
- Issue 683 Add number of comments to issues overview
- Issue 703 Bugfix filter issues for my organisation
- Issue 1021 Bugfix recursion issue in wizard determining sub class structure
- Issue 1023 Edit element: remember active tab
- Issue 1025 CSV import: Convert csv column names to valid xml element names
- Issue 1039 Small UX improvements to generated edit screens
- Issue 1043 Move business rules up in edit Element > Value constraints tab
- Issue 1060 Codelist: add sorting to table
- Issue 1061 Refactor treeviews to 1 component to prepare for data model canvas
- Issue 1065 Improve aligning of business rules in Element details panel
- Issue 1067 Fix some HTTP errors not shown
- Issue 1076 Element details path: add copy to clipboard button
- Issue 1077 Treeview edit mode: fix possible child elements not loading
- Issue 1079 Replace
with $id
in JSON Schema export
- Issue 1081 Treeview edit mode: no expandable possible child prop when only 1 targetSubClass is present
- Issue 1083 Wizard step 1: css fixes, use json Pointer
- Issue 1092 Sort version number in treeview version dropdown
- Issue 1100 Don't show "must login" error for evalidator/info
- Issue 1102 Fix performance of wizard option of domainless properties (see #834)
- Issue 1092 Sort version number in treeview version dropdown
- Bugfix issue with incorrect $id in generated json schemas that causes issues in new json validator service
- Improve UX of all issues interface:
- Filter on open issues by default
- Add sort option (last comment and date created)
- Bugfix missing property click event emitter
- Remove frontend v2: The old frontend is not available anymore at '/v2' url
- Use default apache folder html instead of public to serve content
- Angular: upgrade to new template syntax and standalone components
- Add ampersand build scripts do development environment
- Bugfix issue in CI pipeline related to Node image
- Update to Angular v17.3
- Refactoring ontology tree view #523
v3.0.1 (10 june 2024)
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 1048 Improve performance of interfaces that allow to select from all Artefacts, including the Edit issue/change request page
- Issue 1063 Bugfix access to edit review comment interface. Change role from reviewer to beheerder (maintainer)
- Issue 1064 Bugfix showing union codelist entries
- Issue 1068 Bugfix hide syntax bindings for validator that are not enabled
- Issue 1069 Show full path for element mappings
- Issue 1071 Bugfix fatal error call to member function on null (occurred in treeview editor)
- Issue 1073 Bugfix hide spreadsheet export button that is shown while not being logged in
- Issue 1062 Fix for browser cache that prevents showing the new frontend application after rollout
v3.0.0 (3 june 2024)
New functionalities
- Message mapping functionality
- Issue 692 Highlight mapped elements
- Issue 693 Add related tree based on message mapping
- Add overview of message mappings as menu item
- Fix migration script
- Review functionality
- Issue 963 Add review comments for elements and codelists (not yet taxonomy concepts and other artefacts)
- Issue 978 Allow access to draft specifications by users with role Reviewer
- Issue 1055 Treeview: add filter: show only with open issues
- Issue 993 Wizard PropertyDTO look for definition on range class if property has no definition
- Issue 1017 Allow external codelists to have + show codelist entries
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 959 Bugfix adding syntax binding due to long loading times and fix syntax binding dropdown too wide
- Issue 986 Bugfix creating new row in table when there are invariant rule violations
- Issue 991 Bugfix create/edit element mappings in Edit element interface
- Issue 1005 Bugfix showing BR after adding/removing existing BR to element
- Issue 1050 Fix deleting wrong item in lists
- Issue 1051 Hide all concepts list for taxonomy view.
- Issue 1052 Move "no review comments" message up
- Issue 1057 Atomic object: fix not updating options
- Issue 1058 Don't ask user for additional confirmation when removing item from a list (non destructive action)
- Bugfix box templates for use case with creating new items in empty list
- Bugfix issue with review comments
- Upgrade prettier to better support ng new @if template syntax
- Update development environment
- Add development-specific frontend and backend services to docker-compose.yml, enabling hot-reload for both
- Add PHP-devtools service for use in combination with JetBrains PHPStorm for a fully containerized dev environment
- Use Docker Compose profiles for intuitive building/starting/stopping of dev and/or prod builds of the application
- Remove docker-compose.yml from .gitignore, and add docker-compose.local.example.yml as an example of a local compose file extending the default
- With migration script add new Reviewer role to accounts that already have Administrator, Beheerder and/or Account manager role
- Refactoring of validator and syntax binding related concepts, relations and interfaces. Preparation for introducing JSON validator
v3.0.0-beta.4 / v2.22.0 (27 april 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 885 Include more details in taxonomy exports
- Issue 935 Accounts, edit allowed roles screen missing
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 919 Add short description of specification types in menu to add new specification
- Issue 1001 Improve taxonomy export performance
- Issue 1014 Add Project Metadata Types and Add Hide Export option for taxonomy spec version and skosconcepts
- Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.18.0
- Issue 883 Change mentions of NEN2767-4 to NEN2767-4-2
- Issue 989 Migrate artefact metadata to simplify database
- Issue 999 Move STH_ID columns to end of table
v3.0.0-beta.3 / v2.21.1 (10 Feb 2024)
New functionalities
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 929 Fix element order in wizard for json schema and csv inputs
- Issue 938 Add missing sort functionality to BOX TABLE template
- Issue 953 Fix possible sub elements are not sorted correctly based on underlying ontology
- Issue 954 Fix version menu showing wrong version for unpublished versions
- Issue 956 Add used by other codelists to codelist overview
- Issue 971 Fix for undefined resource at component initialization
- Issue 972 Add missing menu item for business rules overview
- Issue 973 Remove heading for empty list of syntax bindings in related trees menu
- Issue 980 Allow to create/delete projects owner by groups in Edit group interface
- List unpublished versions for maintainers (having access to Edit specifcation interfaces)
- Also show empty projects; i.e. when there are no specifications to show
- Issue 925 Change GCS storage client from opt-out to opt-in. Default is disabled now
- Restructure + bugfix Helm values file
- PM issue 119 Remove references to TNO specific deployment aspects
v3.0.0-beta.2 / v2.21.0 (22 Jan 2024)
New functionalities
- Issue 839 Individuals of the range class are included in the wizard step 3 examples and schemas
- Issue 840 Add API to create message model from CSV file upload
- Issue 843 Implement UX designs for message models based on CSV
- Issue 871 Add table view to projects page + improve spec cards
- Issue 912 Push default STH and flyway images to public image registry
- Issue 917 Allow viewing secondary trees in the wizard treeview
- Allow to edit certain technical details like elmPropertyUri, elmClassUri, elmBaseDatatypeUri and elmJsonPointer
Bugfixes / UX improvements
- Issue 626 Remove deprecated relation
- Issue 665 Add check for duplicate names in sub elements. Display error to user in export
- Issue 881 Taxonomy export: split structure in multiple columns
- Issue 886 Replace UI label 'wizard' with 'edit' message model
- Issue 893 Improve codelist page. Columns for added/removed dates
- Issue 899 Bugfix missing button to create new objects in BOX templates
- Issue 901 Add whitespace between validator and results
- Issue 905 Bugfixes in headings and formatting output in wizard step 3
- Issue 908 Add other views to 'recently viewed' section on homepage
- Issue 910 Bugfix toggle 'Show used properties' should only be visible in edit mode
- Issue 911 Bugfix 'validator' link on spec cards are not always displayed
- Issue 913 Reduce whtiespace between projects on specification overview
- Issue 914 Add loading indicator for validator information
- Issue 915 Fix missing option to upload new version of file object
- Issue 916 Bugfix broken link to business rules in validator UI
- Issue 918 Improve issue view
- Issue 921 Fix missing specification version in 'see also' column
- Issue 923 Add redirect to previous page after login triggered by user
- Issue 926 Bugfix sorting versions in validator UI
- Issue 928 Fix missing buttons for 'add all' and 'add next level descendants' in wizard step 2
- Issue 930 Bugfix patches not working on resources that are in a root list interface
- Issue 936 Bugfix AtomicFileObjectComponent calling backend too many times
- Issue 941 Bugfix showing all tabs; adding scrollable tabs
- Issue 942 Bugfix button to add next level descendents is wrongly shown in tree view viewing mode
- Issue 943 Bugfix crud functionality on genereated non-uni root boxes
- Issue 946 Bugfix DCAT export buttons should only be displayed when logged in
- Issue 955 Bugfix large content cut of in text fields (e.g. in edit ontology version)
- Clarify class and basedatatype in technical details view
- Group possible properties by ObjectProperties and DatatypeProperties in wizard step 2
- Bugfix output folder of frontend dist by esbuild
- PM Issue 190 Update SETU welcome text
- Issue 617 Update to PHP 8.3
- Issue 784 Add helm charts for easy deployment of application
- Issue 838 Update to Angular v17
- Publish helm charts in chart repo located at https://charts.semantic-treehouse.nl
- Dockerfile with frontend v3 is now the default Dockerfile
- Fix CI check for database structure file
- Restructure CI configuration + improve pipeline duration + fix repo for build cache
- Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.17.0
- Update to PHP 8.3
- Update backend dependencies + add CI job to check for this
- Add CI job for frontend testing
- Add CI job for frontend linting
- Run all CI check jobs (except changelog) also on main branch
- Fix missing build argument for multi-language frontend
v3.0.0-beta.1 / v2.20.0 (29 Nov 2023)
- Issue 664 Individuals of the range class of a property are picked up by the FIT Wizard in Step 2
- Issue 783 Add endpoint to export specs meta data in DCAT
- Issue 854 Add endpoint for downloading JSON SchemaSpecs
- Issue 887 Fix loading empty ontology (version) in WebVOWL viewer
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 378 Update treeview after editing element details
- Issue 690 Add functionality to create a new message model specification using the wizard
- Issue 768 Hide elements in taxonomy tree when using search filter
- Issue 789 Integrate + fix codebase Ampersand framework, including:
- Show notifications from backend when editing via generated interfaces
- Make sure you don't lose focus when switching fields in generated interfaces
- Make sure generated interface values don't go out of sync with backend values
- Issue 793 Improve carousel of specifications by introducing hightlighted specifications
- Issue 799 Review and update Dutch (nl) translation file
- Issue 814 Add buttons for DCAT-AP export in UI
- Issue 815 Allow editing element details
- Issue 820 Add missing templates for generated interfaces
- Issue 827 Add manual json schema specification overview page
- Issue 845 Add option to select target sub class in wizard step 2
- Issue 864 Add sorting for columns and download button in codelist overview
- Issue 869 Add option to show used properties in treeview wizard mode
- Issue 900 Bugfix routing for message-model
- Issue 903 Bugfix non-editable boolean component
- Issue 906 Bugfix character encoding in spec card description
- Bugfix label instead of name for possible sub elements
- Fix missing possible properties from superclasses
- Improve edit element interface and its use in wizard view
- Adapt Dockerfile(s) to handle multiple locales and serve default locale in root directory
- Environments:
- PM Issue 143 Add frontend v3 customizations for SETU image
- Set frontend v3 as default for KS, SETU, FEDeRATED, SUTC, STPE, EVH, SCSN and STH images
- Use default STH image for ZEROW environment
- Set NL locale as default for NEN image
v2.19.0 / v3.0.0-alpha.3 (30 June 2023)
- Epic 10 First implementation of JSON schema input for FIT wizard
- Issue 383 Add functionality to select sub classes for element type in wizard
- Issue 705 Move fixed config var oauthlogin.stateHashSecret to ENV var
- Issue 722 Customize Federated Header (and add job to runner)
- Issue 725 Fix + update issue with images of CI jobs
- Issue 727 No URIs generated by wizard example generator
- Issue 737 Add metamodel migration for new JsonSchemaSpec
- Bugfix issue with getting correct range class/datatype when SHACL shape applied
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 709 Add issue number to several issue related components
- Issue 714 Fix links to issue references
- Issue 717 Implement UI for Taxonomy concept view
- Issue 728 Improve search field - add ctrl-k and esc short keys
- Fix group interface showing number of meetings and members and showing upcoming meeting(s)
v2.19.1 / v3.0.0-alpha.4 (25 August 2023)
- Issue 720 How to handle REFs for JSON Schema resolution
- Issue 734 Fix issue with style property in json schema in wizard OpenAPI spec generator
- Issue 744 JSON schema generator - ContentMediaType: base64 needs to be ContentEncoding: base64
- Issue 750 Add functionality to specify taxonomy top level concepts
- Issue 751 Bugfix in example generator with minimal multiplicity
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 685 Include icon in different specification overview pages
- Issue 721 Process feedback on new frontend
- Issue 745 Improve outline on start page. Sort cards by last publication date
- Issue 748 Restructure title, subtitle and definition for taxonomy concept and treeview element details.
- Issue 749 Allow for additional menu items
- Specification card improvements: primary button and actions redefined, styling, skeletons while loading, download actions, ..
- Improvement of specification pages: message model and taxonomy
- Fix linking to validator
- Add CI job to check if generated frontend files need to be updated
- Add customizations for Ketenstandaard environment
v2.19.2 / v3.0.0-alpha.4 (22 Sept 2023)
- Issue 736 Add tags in wizard oas output
- Issue 738 Improve error reporting to user when json schema is not correct or cannot be used as input for the wizard.
- Issue 765 Add json schema preprocessor implementation
- Issue 780 Bugfix WebVOWL viewer access to API endpoint due to signing key too short
v2.19.3 / v3.0.0-alpha.5 (27 Oct 2023)
- Issue 743 Bugfix showing subclasses of base datatypes in wizard
- Issue 798 Add DIL to runner
- Issue 801 Add version number to filename of message export to excel
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 754 Add custom metadata fields to tree view for messages and taxonomies
- Issue 778 Add internationalisation, add Dutch translation, add language switcher
- Issue 789 Fix generated interfaces, add links to them in manual interfaces
- Issue 789 Update shared ampersand modules
- Issue 794 Fix wrong order for highlighted version when selecting based on publication dates
- Issue 796 Project list: mark public projects
- Issue 816 Add role selector to v3
- Fix issue with infinate loop when image-missing.png is not found
v2.18.0 / v3.0.0-alpha.2 (2 June 2023)
- Issue 492 Pick up organization info from OAuth login resource information
- Issue 604 Add csv download/export functionality for taxonomies
- Issue 704 Remove environment specific backend config files
- Allow to disable creating non-existing accounts in OAuth login attempt
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 106 Improve page title including page name and environment name
- Issue 675 Add additional Dockerfile to prepare for switching from v2 to v3 frontend
- Issue 689 Add google tag for tracking page views
- Issue 694 Add usage note to taxonomy concept details panel
- Issue 698 Sort taxonomy concepts by sequence number. Fallback to label alphabetically
- Issue 700 Add alternative label to taxonomy concept details panel
- Fix sorting in different user interfaces
- Add setup for customer/community specific customizations
- Remove parts from UI that are not yet implemented / supported by backend
v2.18.1 / v3.0.0-alpha.2 (4 June 2023)
- Issue 708 Fix typo in taxonomy export to spreadsheet
- Fix removed oauth identity provider images
v2.17.0 (7 april 2023)
- Issue 559 Report login error to user to be able to diagnose what went wrong
- Issue 599 Handle situation (show error message) when user cancels the authentication
- Issue 631 Add OAuth integration for NEN. Includes refactoring of OAuth module
- Issue 658 Remove constraint of non-duplicate account display name
- Issue 660 Add MessageMapping API to match elements in tree view canvas
- Fix minor issues with OAuth login implementation. Trigger detailed logs when login attempt fails due to invariant violation
v2.17.1 / v3.0.0-alpha.1 (9 may 2023)
- Issue 672 Merge new frontend (v3) code repo into subfolder in main STH repo
- Add 3.0.0-alpha.1 version of new frontend to virtual directory /v3/
- Add missing built-in types for mapping from xs types to json
- Add link to releases page for version info in footer