v2.14.0 (18 november 2022)
Issue 536 Add 'path' to spreadsheet output of Message specification
Issue 566 Add filter to only show unbound elements in syntax binding
Issue 567 Strikethrough invisible element in syntax tree in editing mode
Issue 572 Bugfix validator output missing id attribute on failed assert
Issue 584 Implement data model and update views for element mappings and message mappings
Fix bug introduced by #546. Filters were not applied anymore due to double 'show' method declaration
Issue 590 Create ZeroW environment
Issue 591 Improve customization + startpage of ZEROW environment
Issue 592 Fix browser rendering issue with large taxonomies
Change of Ketenstandaard home page upon request KS
v2.13.0 (7 october 2022)
Issue 527 Add SHACL output generator to FIT wizard
Issue 531 Update NEN front page.
Issue 546 By default use element label instead of name in treeview
Issue 548 Fix incorrect meta-population output causing Access denied error
Issue 556 Implement toggle XSD generation style Venetian Blind / Russian Doll
Issue 561 Add RDF example to wizard output
Issue 571 Bugfix in JSON example in wizard output
Doc Issue 9 Move privacy statement to Semantic Treehouse landing page
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.16.0
Lower severity of invalid state parameter for OAuth login to NOTICE (instead of ERROR). Relates to #487
Major refactoring of backend code, including:
Introduction of API Controllers, instead of anonymous functions
Put all API files together in folder: backend/src/api
and auto loading those files
Move classes about Taxonomy and Message specifications (incl. Element, ElementType classes) into new namespace SemanticTreehouse\Specification
Make code for RDF response reusable in new Trait RdfContentTrait
v2.12.0 (22 july 2022)
Issue 340 Remove whitespace and empty fields in Codelist interface
Issue 532 Bugfix sorting release notes
Issue 535 Bugfix list of validator projects when API is requested with access-token instead of a session login
Issue 537 Bugfix merge of allowed values in multiple value restriction sets
Issue 539 Improve findability of validation artefacts; placed on Message model overview interface
Issue 541 Remove panel-warning style for unlocked message model (elements)
Issue 542 Bugfix loading schematron and example files in validator UI
Issue 543 Bugfix wrong mapping of floatDigits and length to interface labels
Alpha release of new codelist functionality: exporting to spreadsheet and SKOS, possibility to migrate to Taxonomy and minor UI changes to Taxonomy views
Add PHPUnit for unit testing backend implementation. Integrated in CI. Including first test as example.
v2.11.0 (31 may 2022)
Issue 343 Feature to download/export message tree in spreadsheet format (.xlsx)
v2.10.0 (6 may 2022)
Issue 416 First implementation of SHACL support as input for FIT wizard
Issue 504 Bugfix showing XML snippets in validation result
SUTC Add logo Topsector to header and set start page to /Projects
Codebase improvements using new PHP8 functionality
Refactor wizard data; introducing Data Transfer Object (DTO) design pattern
Refactor SHACL implementation (#416); introducing classes for SHACL NodeShape, PropertyShape and ShapesGraph
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.15.1
v2.9.0 (5 mar 2022)
Issue 493 Bugfix linking new account to organization based on orgDomain part of emailaddress
Issue 508 Add YAML syntax for JSON schema output from FIT wizard
Add GA4 for tracking all environments of *.semantic-treehouse.nl in single Google Analytics property
v2.9.1 (18 mar 2022)
Issue 518 Bugfix wizard functionality with properties that have max multiplicity of 0
Issue 519 Add support for qualified cardinality constraints to be used by the wizard
v2.8.0 (14 jan 2022)
Issue 496 Add generated JSON example to output of FIT wizard
Issue 500 Add last comment date to CR View View
Issue 501 Add alt label to taxonomy viewer.
Update to PHP v8
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.13.0
Update Phan to v5 for static analysis of PHP backend
v2.8.1 (18 jan 2022)
Bugfix missing example value for boolean datatype in XML and JSON example generator
v2.8.2 (20 jan 2022)
Issue 486 Activate Google analytics for TNO environment
Issue 498 Provide feedback to user about global type definition issue in XML schema generator
Issue 499 Remove column roles from 'Accounts' overview list
Issue 502 Add support for local attribute type definitions in XSD generator of FIT wizard
v2.8.3 (11 feb 2022)
Issue 505 Directly redirect to login when there is only one OAuth option
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.14.1
Update all external backend libraries
Refactor exception usage in backend
Issue 495 Adds BD4NRG Environment.
Remove interface to list all Messages
Migration notes 2.6 --> 2.7
Upload metamodel additions in every environment. See json population in ./migrations/v2.7.0-metamodel.json
Update environment variable STH_VALIDATOR_ENDPOINT
. Append with /validation-request
. See Issue #414
Update interface roles for Class, Community portal, Groups, Group and View review comments. Set to appropriate role. Remove role WG member. See Issue 248
Update interface roles for EvalidatorInfo (SYSTEM), EValidatorMessages (User), ExampleObject (System). Remove role EVALIDATOR. See Issue #253
v2.7.0 (22 sept 2021)
Issue 403 Restructure project folder into subfolders: backend, frontend, migrations and model
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.10.2
Fixes Issue 159 Don't call API when leaving an input field and nothing has changed
Fixes Issue 456 Show error message indicating that a file upload is to large
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.10.3
Fixes Issue 109 Redirect back to page after (OAuth) login
Issue 172 Bugfix treeview: allow to switch between editing and viewing mode
Issue 177 Enforce element names to be valid xml tag names
Issue 235 Indicate where Markdown syntax is supported
Issue 248 Drop role "WG member". Access control to related interfaces is now content based
Issue 252 Add explicit button to edit codelist entry in 'New/edit codelist' interface
Issue 253 Bugfix validator shows up before authentication wall is loaded
Issue 258 Don't show (incorrect) element details panel when loading in treeview
Issue 273 Only allow access to groups for groupmembers and administrators
Issue 280 Complete XML + JSON schema generator with value restrictions
Issue 288 Add field to specify release notes for versions of specifications
Issue 302 Bugfix issue with empty rule set for evalidator
Issue 326 Handle situation when OAuthLogin is aborted/failes
Issue 336 Allow to unlock specification versions and after that unlock single elements to fix issues
Issue 341 Remove ticketing module that is not used; functionality can be reintroduced later by means of issues combined with change requests.
Issue 361 Bugfix also copy root element data & element metadata to new version
Issue 372 Finish migration from STH v1.x to v2.x
Issue 375 Several bugs community portal regarding group memberships and meeting memberships
Issue 389 Add check on rdf syntax when uploading/inserting ontology specifications
Issue 390 Add loading spinner to FIT wizard step 3 outputs (schema, example, rml)
Issue 396 Add navigation for specifications in 'Edit project' interface + related bugfixes
Issue 397 Add placeholder in case taxonomy has no concepts and auto-select first concept if there are any
Issue 412 Add functionality to store schematron object content in database next to filesystem
Issue 414 Improved validator UI
Changed default for validator endpoint to https://evalidator.nl/api/xml/validate
Removed fixed part of endpoint '/validation-request'
Display max file upload size to user
When > 10k lines, don't show XML editor (to prevent performance issues in browser)
Issue 424 Disable validate button when request is empty
Issue 439 Bugfix UI for project overview to row wrap multiple specifications correctly
Issue 444 Add creator organization to all specification views (next to acknowledgements for authors and contributors)
Issue 446 Bugfix issue with invisible elements that have visible sub elements
Issue 449 Bugfix missing syntax binding for tree structures that are references to other messages
Issue 455 Make change request labels visible in 'View change request' interface
Issue 457 Use skos:definition, dc11:description, dc:description and rdfs:comment as definition
Issue 464 In treeview details panel: order XML examples by syntax name
Issue 466 Bugfix FIT wizard add all descendants: skip properties with multiplicity constraint of max 0
Issue 467 Use most specific (smallest) property restrictions in FIT wizard
Issue 468 Remove blue/yellow/gray coloring in element details in treeview UI
Issue 470 Add functionality for Taxonomy specifications (viewer and editor). Includes a basic SKOS exporter
Issue 474 Bugfix viewing name of related artefact (e.g. element) at discussion posts and other links
Issue 475 Bugfix missing crProject link for newly created change requests
Adapt 'Change request' interface to generic style of STH
Access control update: distinguish between account specific roles and derived roles from organizational and subscription based roles
In kubernetes cluster, mount environment specific configuration files from configmap
Remove environment specific configuration files from being baked into the image
Bugfix elmHasPred constraint: multiple elements can share the same predecessor
Bugfix FIT wizard API calls: show invariant violations that prevent transaction commit
FIT wizard step 3: add placeholder for CSV syntax. Not implemented yet
FIT wizard step 2: English is pref language; awaiting Issue 436 for multi language suppport
v2.7.1 (19 oct 2021)
Issue 409 Update of our CICD and source control setup. We now use main branch with release tags for (automatic) deployment.
Issue 481 Change owner/holder of an action point from Person to Representative
Issue 483 Replace old relation grpStd by projectGroup to show where groups are working on
Issue 487 Bugfix for situation of invalid state for OAuthlogin
Issue 489 Bugfix treeview showing dropdown when no visible subelements are available
Fix for OAuth integration to allow for different name/label for Mijn Ketenstandaard. We now use the idp->handler instead
Fix for participant_of claims to determine subscriptions for Ketenstandaard
Remove need to configure redirect URL for OAuth login
v2.7.2 (6 dec 2021)
Issue 496 Bugfix FIT wizard due to API returning object instead of expected array
Issue 497 Change footer + add link to join us on Discord
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.12.0 (includes Ampersand compiler v4.6.2)
Add three icons for Ketenstandaard
v2.6.0 (15 jul 2021)
Issue 264 Functionality to invite groups to view a specific project
Issue 370 Group permission model customizable
Issue 461 Allow to export/import access control settings
Add subscriptions to automatically provide access to certain groups/projects. Subscriptions can be populated from other sources (e.g. OAuth resource data)
Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.10.1
v2.5.0 (4 jul 2021)
Issue 450 Allow for specific metadata annotations for elements (reusing annotations from ontology)
5/6/21 Hotfix: json object shown in change request interface; must be project label with navigation links
v2.5.1 (6 jul 2021)
Issue 451 STPE changes to homepage
Increase max run count for exec-engine from 10 (default) to 20. To allow for cleanup/removal of larger tree structures
Workaround for issue with qualified property URIs caused by bug in EasyRdf library. See https://github.com/easyrdf/easyrdf/issues/275